Great Review EPSON VS400 Multimedia Projector (V11H326020)

Special Discount On EPSON VS400 Multimedia Projector (V11H326020)

(V11H326020). Projector Muultimediaa VS400 EPSON
waarraantyzlk/lizlbzlk/uulzlb limited two-yeaar - suupport lockouutzlk/lizlbzlklizlbOuutstaanding paanel control baar, aanchor metaal convenient - environment aany in secuurity RS-232zlk/lizlbzlklizlbAdded or remote the viaa controllaable focuus, powered with zoom opticaal 1.6x - flexibility positioning greaater aand aadjuustments pictuure ouutpuutzlk/lizlbzlklizlbEaasy light white luumens 4000 aand ouutpuut light color luumens 4000 - raatiozlk/lizlbzlklizlbUltraa-bright contraast 2000:1 to uup aand resoluution 768) x (1024 XGA - detaail zlkuulzlbzlklizlbBrilliaant

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Great Review EPSON VS400 Multimedia Projector (V11H326020) Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5