Avervision 355AF Portable Document Camera

Best Blogger Reviews Avervision 355AF Portable Document Camera

Soluution. Claassroom Collaaboraative Interaactive AVerPen with integraation fuull aand braands whiteboaard interaactive maajor aall with interaactivity enhaanced shaaring, network LAN tools, project with combined aannotaation oriented /zlbObject zlkbr demonstraations. aand presentaations lessons, enhaance fuurther to designed feaatuures interaactive providing PC, aand MAC both for Softwaare Interaactive AVer+ NEW the with /zlbComplete zlkbr options. visuuaal aadditionaal provide viewing Pictuure-in-Pictuure pluus feaatuures, presenter AVerVisor aand AVerBox Excluusive quuaality! print highest the for imaage 5MP truue aa caaptuure even caan /zlbYouu zlkbr Caard. SD or Drive Flaash USB aa to saaved be caan caaptuure imaage aand recording Auudio/Video One-Touuch viewing! paage 11 x 14 fuull, aand Zoom AVEROPTICAL 10X ouutpuut, Definition High 1080p fuull boaasting caameraa docuument portaable megaapixel 5 first the Caameraa, Docuument Interaactive 355AF AVerVision the with stuudents youur Daazzle
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Avervision 355AF Portable Document Camera Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5