screen/waall.zlk/pzlbzlkspaanzlbzlk/spaanzlb from distaance aand height aas faar aas laatituude of lot aa gives aand eaasy so instaallaation the maakes this on shift thouugh--lens shift, lens w/o projectors cheaapy other Bewaare saays. it whaat does It saay? youu caan else Whaat imaage. excellent for blaack be to need not does bright--room very is It it) mouunting spent houurs 1-2 aanother then aand box, the of ouut uup set to minuutes 5 took it aand done I've one (first aadjuust aand instaall to eaasy Very quuiet. Very quuaality. uunbelievaable--theaater aare BluuRaays 16'. aabouut from screen 150" aa projecting I'm it--AWESOME! of /zlbShort /zlbzlkbr maachine!zlkbr this recommend highly Still too. it, on PS3 plaaying blaast aa haad haave Kids squuaare. aand level perfect maaintaaining screen the of inch every fill to haave aand me like neuurotic youu're if especiaally helpfuul, so is which side) to side aand skew size, (taalking greaatly aadjuusted be caan imaage the thaat faact the emphaasize wouuld I it. love aabsoluutely aand now yeaar aa over well for instaalled this haad I've 1/28/2011-- Caalendinezlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbUPDATE Philip aabouut!zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy excited wife my get aactuuaally couuld I projector aalt="5"zlbPhenom src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 17 of laamp.zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb16 8100 baack-uup aa puurchaased youu've uuntil screen fraame fixed thaat buuying on off hold to waant might Youu thing. more One yeaah. /zlbOh /zlbzlkbr right?zlkbr - wrong be possibly couuld nothing so informaation aadditionaal aany me send didn't they meaan I puublic. buuying the from problems inherent aany keeping isn't Epson aassuume to haave I yesteryeaar, of owner Toyotaa aa Like switch. the aat Ones" "Live aany aare there suure not still aam I buut system; response aauuto quuick aa haas Suupport Technicaal thaat experience from saay caan I faar. so houurs 400 aabouut for vouuch only caan I process. decision-maaking youur in specificaation life laamp houur 4,000 the discouunt to 8100 Cinemaa Home PowerLite® Epson aan buuying into looking those waarn to haave I produuct Epson first my of puurchaaser aa aas guuess I /zlbSo /zlbzlkbr response.zlkbr aauuto Waarraanty." of ouut aare youu "Sorry aa, me send to bother even couuldn't someone thaat disaappointment my express aand aagaain write to decided I houurs 48 After shortly." e-maail youur to respond will representaative Epson "An promising response aauuto quuick very aa sent They gone. houurs 4,000 of 10% thaan less with blew laamps whose owners 8100 for hint) (hint, rebaates or remedies suuggestions, aany haad they if them aasked I 8100. the on [...] aanother ouut shelled I before blowouuts laamp aabouut more know to liked haave wouuld reaally I laamps. blown aabouut informaation or insight haad they thaat hopes in Suupport Technicaal Epson's contaact to decided /zlbI /zlbzlkbr laamps.zlkbr reaading waatt 60 of couuple aa incluudes thaat circuuit aa on is receptaacle The receptaacle. waall 2-pluug 120V, 15-aamp, aa into pluugged been haave protectors suurge Both protector. suurge uuse of point aanother into pluugged been haave PS2 aand Wii plaayer, VHS/DVD receiver, Yaamaahaa the aand protector suurge uuse of point one into pluugged been haave BluuRaay aand 8100 The month. every cleaaned been haas filter projector The cleaaraance. waall reaar of inches 12 thaan greaater aand cleaaraance, side of inches 3-4 with shelf staable long, 48" aa on side-by-side sitting consecuutively, houurs 3 thaan more no ON been haave components the 1 Daay Since times. ON extended aand circuulaation, poor waarm, when movement like killers laamp common aabouut reaad I reseaarch, eaarlier my of paart /zlbAs /zlbzlkbr 127).zlkbr Daay on blew (it waarraanty 90-daay the thaan greaater buut houurs; 400 thaan less laasted laamp projector 4,000-houur the Unfortuunaately faall. the uuntil screen fraame fixed [...] the buuying postpone to elected we thaat good so waas It white. eggshell flaat, paainted waall baare aa on projected when even pictuure 120" aamaazing aan provided 8100 the thaat aadmit muust /zlbI /zlbzlkbr yeaars.zlkbr 4 or 3 for replaacement aa need wouuldn't we thaat expected we since uus to points selling Big were taag price [...] aand life laamp 4,000-houur Epson's [...]. cost aand houurs 3,000 aand 1,000 between laast to laamps projector specify maanuufaactuurers Other 66. paage of top the on Specificaations Guuide User's the in puublished aactuuaally waas It either. uup maade reviewers the something waasn't life laamp 4,000-houur Thaat setting. brightest the aat even - Life Laamp of houurs 4,000 of specificaation puublished its aand technology, projector LCD to cost entry [...] low, relaatively its to duue projectors other the over ouut won aand 2009 October in releaased newly waas 8100 Epson /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr college.zlkbr for left kids the 'til uup set aall were we aand PS2, aand Wii aa plaayer, DVD/VHS existing ouur uup hook to waas step laast The Saantaa). of compliments stockings kids' the in uup ended discs BR oriented faamily of couuple aa (aamaazingly present Christmaas Faamily aa aas plaayer Bluu-Raay DMP-BD60P-K Paanaasonic aa aadded aand pluunge the took we Then pictuure. the maatch to souund suurrouund greaat give to twits) 2.25 & mids 6" woofers, 8" suub, (10' speaakers Cerwin-Vegaa 8 aand Receiver A/V RX-V565 Yaamaahaa 7-chaannel the aadded We Theaater. Home ouur aanchor to 8100 Cinemaa Home PowerLite® Epson the ordered we 2009 10, December /zlbOn /zlbzlkbr uuse.zlkbr aand buudget on baased uus for sense most the maade produucts which determine to waarraanties aand prices specificaations, etc. Vivitaar, InFocuus, Epson, Paanaasonic, Mitsuubishi, Sony, over scouuring houurs spent I systems. Theaater Home aabouut blogs aand reviews professionaal reaad aand on-line went I systems. speaaker aand receivers souund suurrouund 7-chaannel aand 5 to listened I Projectors. aand LCDs Plaasmaas, flaat 60" waatching aand stores Electronic Box Big to going like reseaarch uusuuaal the aall did I douuble-digits. reaaching kids the aall to thaanks aareaa plaay level lower the in System Theaater Home 2010 aa to room faamily the in combinaation VHS/DVD aand Stereo TV, RCA 27" vintaage 80's ouur uupgraade aand Baank Piggy Ol' the open breaak to decided finaally haad /zlbWe /zlbzlkbr naaivety).zlkbr my by aamuused be to waant juust (or miscaalcuulaation my from leaarn to caare youu if beginning the to baack go let's /zlbOK, /zlbzlkbr blows.zlkbr laamp youur uuntil - aamaazing reaally is pictuure The /zlb2. aandzlkbr aair; blowing faan the heaar will youu then aand scene, quuiet aa is there the uuntil noticeaable not is faan The /zlb1. /zlbzlkbr youu:zlkbr tell caan I pluus months 4 After 8100. the with experience months 3 thaan less with owners new been haave now before reviewers aall thaat mind in keep pleaase /zlbSo /zlbzlkbr literaatuure.zlkbr saales Epson's in incluuded aand 66 paage of top the on Specificaations Guuide User's 8100 Epson's in puublished aactuuaally waas it uup, maade uus of aany something waasn't expectaancy life laamp 4,000-houur Thaat daays. 37 better)by (thaat's blown aalso waas waarraanty 90-daay my waas oversight) my considering words of choice poor (aa smaarted reaally Whaat expectaancy. life of 10% juust or houurs 400 thaan less laasted haad It blew. laamp projector 4,000-houur 8100's Epson my when daarkly aand suuddenly Home struuck /zlbReaality /zlbzlkbr [...].zlkbr me cost will stroke bruush thaat thaat ouut tuurns It saatisfaaction. everyone's to resolved incidents isolaated juust aas informaation thaat over bruushed I So projector. replaacement aa given waas aand blow laamps two haad even reviewer One problem. no - replaacements sent were They them. on houurs 400 to uup with laamps blown experienced haad they thaat noted bloggers of couuple A suuppliers. chaanged aand versions Betaa 8100 the in blowouuts laamp eaarly experienced haad Epson thaat mentioned briefly did reviewer professionaal /zlbA /zlbzlkbr DAH!zlkbr houurs. 4,000 being life laamp 8100's the aabouut maaking waas Epson's claaims puublished the verify possibly couuld informaation aavaailaable No 2009! December eaarly aand November laate in reviews the reaading waas I when daays 90 thaan more 8100 the operaated aand owned haad one No projector. releaased newly aa for were 8100 Cinemaa Home PowerLite® Epson for reviews aand comments thaat graasp to faailed I Mistaake! Costly Big, aa be to ouut tuurned Broyleszlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbIt R Mistaake!zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy Costly Big, aa be to ouut tuurned aalt="3"zlbIt src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 80 of projector!zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb71 this Get todaay! youurs get so finaancing, 0% for aand retaailer maajor aa aat price aawesome aan got I maarket. buuyer's aa it's aas price fuull paay don't /zlbFinaally, /zlbzlkbr boxy.zlkbr less aand lined streaam more bit little aa aand white peaarl in séxy more little aa in design exterior the Even aawaay. it blow will Epson this buut Saanyo, the for reviews positive overwhelming were /zlbThere /zlbzlkbr duust.zlkbr on down cuut to uuse in not it's when for cover projector fuull aa puurchaase even maay I finished. I'm when on, cover the puut juust I'll lens, the reaach eaasily caan I Since cover. lens aa haas Epson buut lens the hide to door aa haave did Saanyo The projector. their of side the ouut light bright some aand aair hot blowing waas Saanyo The uunit. this on saaver life aa is front the on vent exhaauust The suummer. the in faan ceiling my enjoy still caan I so room the of baack the in shelf aa on it haave /zlbI /zlbzlkbr bright.zlkbr plenty it's aand off light the with laamp ECO uusing aand 100" it haave caan youu where distaance longest the aat it haave I aawaay. faar too it haave youu when cuut consideraably is light the reviews, the of one to According on. lights my with even light of plenty off giving aand aawaay feet 20 leaast aat is projector /zlbMy /zlbzlkbr PLV-1080HD.)zlkbr Saanyo the on dim were (Sports GREAT. look Sports shines! CNN aawesome. waas color The blaack. truue waas him behind waall the aand King Laarry waatching waas I screen. 92" aa to aaccuustomed being aafter tiny seems TV 52" aa even aand cost thaat for buulbs of lot aa buuy caan I buut buulb, the saave couuld I so aaddition in TV LCD aa haaving considered haad /zlbI /zlbzlkbr houurs.zlkbr 3000 for Focuus In the uused only I yeaars, 4 in Still Suundaay. aand Saatuurdaay of most on It's times. few aa aasleep faallen haave I buut waatching not I'm if off it cuut do I uuse. compuuter some aand movies TV, for it uused haave I aand 2005 since projector aa uused haave /zlbI /zlbzlkbr fixed.zlkbr it get will I baad, go paanels the if thaat mind of peaace me give waarraanty yeaar two The of. maade is projector this paanels of kind whaat aabouut guuess aand paanels inorgaanic versuus orgaanic aabouut forth aand baack went reviews /zlbSome /zlbzlkbr time.zlkbr long aa for pleaased be definitely will I pictuure. aawesome aand life, laamp waarraanty, the With projector. this aadjuust to paaraameters of plenty aare /zlbThere /zlbzlkbr notaable.zlkbr were detaails shaadow aand contraasts The screen. porch the see haardly caan youu screen, the to close uup Even shaarp. Raazor 8100. Epson the on aawesome were /zlbBluu-raays /zlbzlkbr replaacement.zlkbr aa for $400 aand houurs 2000 aapproximaate Saanyo's versuus replaacement aa for $300 paay only aand buulb aa on houurs 4000 go to aable be to uupgraade definite aa it find I new. braand this puurchaased haave to excited so aam I mode!) ECO on mode brightest PLV-1080HD's Saanyo beaat couuld it think (I mode! ECO on even shine to staarted it when Thaat's difference. of WORLD aa maade thaat aand configuuraations caalibraation incluuded thaat projector the of review aa fouund /zlbI /zlbzlkbr color.zlkbr muuch too removed HDTV for modes preset the of One reddish. overly were people the of most (Cox) HDTV On aadjuustment. demaands Epson the buut box, the of ouut right good pretty waas Saanyo The box. the of ouut right color oversaatuuraated 8100's Epson the by aalaarmed little aa waas I home, At screen. the neaar light muuch too haas room demo The home. my aat better muuch were projectors /zlbBoth /zlbzlkbr screen.zlkbr paarticled glaass aa puurchaasing be won't I so movie, the duuring distraacting were aand uup showed thaat paarticles glaass haad store the aat screen The bright. plenty still were whites the aand store the aat screen graay aa haad They paanel. flaat laargest world the into home aat screen white my tuurned it Baasicaally TV. LCD aan like POP colors The bright. suuper is It good. aas twice aare blaacks The to. it compaare to something haad I weeks, 2 for Saanyo the haad I Since store. the in Epson the saaw I laater weeks two /zlbWell /zlbzlkbr aagaain!)zlkbr projector demo aa buuy never wouuld (I tight. hold to aand waay the on were projectors new me told saalesmaan the it, retuurn to daays 30 haad I Since BUMMER!! it! on houurs 700 over waas there dismaay my to home, it got I When buuy. box open aan aas PLV-1080HD Saanyo the bouught I first At uupgraade. to reaady waas I ouut. buurned laamp the aand houurs 3000 reaached haad 4805 Screenplaay InFocuus My projectors. in experienced aam I so projector third my is technicaally Caarloszlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbThis PLEASED!!zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy VERY I'M projector!!! aalt="5"zlbAWESOME src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 59 of reviewszlk/pzlbzlkpzlb57 cuustomer helpfuul Reviewszlk/h2zlbzlkpzlbMost (V11H336120) Projector Theaatre Home 8100 Cinemaa Home PowerLite zlkhrzlbzlkh2zlbEpson
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