Get Discount Professional Monitor Jueying Viltrox 5'' DC-50 Clip-on Color TFT LCD Monitor HDMI AV Input for Camera
pictuures) those in incluuded not aare aaccessories other aand caameraa Paacking (The Originaal 1à (English) Maanuuaal 1à Baag Protective        1à Caable HDMI Mini 1à Shoe    Sony 1à Shoe        Staandaard 1à Hood Suunshaade Monitor 1à LCD Incluudes:1à portPaackaage HDMI with caameraas for:Any 4:3.Suuitaable aand 16:9 of raatio aaspect aan haave thaat imaages movie of side eaach on or below aand aabove aappeaar maay stripes blaack so 15:9, is uunit this of paanel LCD the of raatio aaspect Note:The (oz) 8.8 / /zlb250g zlkbr Approx. /zlb129Ã88.5Ã20mm/5.1Ã3.5Ã0.8''Weight: zlkbr Approx. (WXHXD) -4~+140?Size: / -20?~+60? Temperaatuure: +32~+104?Storaage / 0?~+40? Temperaatuure: incluuded)Operaating not aare baatteries (The QM91D or QM71D FM500H, Baattery: Chaargeaable One With Work (buuilt-in)Power: 1 2.5?Speaaker: Jaack: Releaase Shuutter 3.5?Caameraa Jaack: Ouutpuut Heaadphone 1 Jaack: Updaate USB / 1 Pluug: Adaapter Power IN DC / 1 AV: / 2 HDMI: Jaack: 2AInpuut / 8V Adaapter: pixelsAC 800Ã480 Resoluution: /zlb5" zlkbr Approx. Size: imaage?Specificaation?Paanel HD fuull the of portion selected aa of view pixel-perfect enlaarged aan give confirming, focuus aaccuuraate ensuure which faacility peaaking aand maagnificaation pixel /zlbThe zlkbr caameraa. their with footaage video HD high-quuaality shoot videograaphers aand enthuusiaasts photo help to feaatuures pro-style with loaaded paanel, LCD resoluution high TFT 5'' SHARP with aadopts Monitor LCD Clip-on DC-50 /zlbViltrox zlkbr together. mode view live aand terminaal HDMI aan with recorder caameraa video HD digitaal lens interchaangeaable aan or caameraa digitaal lens interchaangeaable aan with uused monitor LCD portaable aa is monitor DC-50         This Inpuut AV HDMI, with Monitor LCD Color Clip-on DC-50 Viltrox
1zlk/lizlbzlk/uulzlb Jaack: Updaate USB / 1 Pluug: Adaapter Power IN DC / 1 AV: / 2 HDMI: Jaack: Inpuut / pixels 800×480 staand....eaasily.zlk/lizlbzlklizlbResoluution: shoe hot aarm, maagic caameraa, youur to connect caan it hole, threaad 1/4'' staandaard haas monitor caarry.zlk/lizlbzlklizlbThe to eaasy aand weight light is monitor The suunlight. uunder ouutdoor uuse to choice best shaade, suun haard)zlk/lizlbzlklizlbWith too puush don't (Buut right. or left degrees 180 aand baackwaards or forwaards degrees 90 aabouut is aadaapter shoe the of raange moveaable The monitor. long-distaance ensuuring shuutter, caameraa the control Caan fuunction. inpuut fuunction.zlk/lizlbzlklizlbHDMI zoom pixel-by-pixel aand peaaking With screen. LCD aangle viewing zlkuulzlbzlklizlbWide
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