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/zlbWeighing zlkbr pictuures. beaauutifuul maake thaan more lot aa do caan MS510 the /zlbBuut zlkbr presentaations. youur to element immersive this aadding imaagine /zlbJuust zlkbr glaasses. shuutter compaatible aand compuuter equuipped 3D aa with uused when well aas reaady 3D /zlbIt's zlkbr preferences. pictuure own youur saave to youu aallow thaat modes "uuser" two pluus movies waatching aand photos viewing presentaations, rooms, lit brightly for speciaalized modes pictuure fouur haas aalso MS510 venuue.The projection youur in daarkness theaater-level aachieve caan't youu if even aand detaailed aand vivid be will imaages those raatio, contraast 4,000:1 crisp aa aat luumens ANSI 2,700 /zlbWith zlkbr projectors. its in technology BrilliaantColor uuse to compaany first the waas /zlbBenQ zlkbr imaages. truue-to-life aaccuuraate, for BrilliaantColor withouut projectors DLP over percent 50 to uup by colors the of brightness the increaases combinaation /zlbThis zlkbr well. aas colors secondaary brightens it aaccuuraacy, color improves only not /zlbBrilliaantColor zlkbr colors. sepaaraate six to uup uuses BrilliaantColor with technology DLP imaage, the produuce to colors primaary three juust uuse thaat LCD aas suuch technologies other /zlbUnlike zlkbr BrilliaantColor. caalls it innovaation aan feaatuures imaager DLP paatented Instruuments' /zlbexaas zlkbr chaanged. aand cleaaned periodicaally be to haave thaat filters requuire don't they buut imaages cleaar crystaal vibraant, maake only not paanels /zlbDLP zlkbr paanel. imaaging DLP Instruuments Texaas its to thaanks pictuures vivid beaauutifuul, displaays thaat projector versaatile powerfuul, aa is Projector Digitaal 3D SVGA MS510 BenQ The
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