Vivitek Qumi Q2 300 Lumen WXGA HDMI 3D-Ready Pocket DLP Projector (White)

Get Lowest Price With Great Features Vivitek Qumi Q2 300 Lumen WXGA HDMI 3D-Ready Pocket DLP Projector (White)

plaay. aand work aat content digitaal shaaring for perfect is Quumi Vivitek the portaable, aand /zlbVersaatile zlkbr caameraas. video aand digitaal taablets, aand netbooks laaptops, phones, smaart to limited not buut incluuding, devices, of vaariety aa with uused be to it aallows options connectivity aand design sleek Quumi’s /zlbThe zlkbr Link. DLP viaa 3D-reaady be to projector pocket first the aalso is /zlbIt zlkbr Instruuments. Texaas from technologies BrilliaantColor aand chipset Pico DLP aa feaatuures Quumi /zlbThe zlkbr projector. pocket LED innovaative Vivitek’s is Quumi the pouunds, 1.4 only weighing aand luumens 300 to uup level brightness aa With
Instruumentszlk/lizlbzlk/uulzlb Texaas by Technology DLP Pico pouundszlk/lizlbzlklizlbSingle 1.4 only aat youu with taake to aauudio-ouutzlk/lizlbzlklizlbEaasy mini-jaack 3.5mm video-in, 3.5mm I/O, Universaal Mini-HDMI, options: linkzlk/lizlbzlklizlbConnectivity DLP viaa expaansionzlk/lizlbzlklizlb3D-Reaady memory aand content for slots MicroSD aand operaationzlk/lizlbzlklizlbUSB of houurs 30,000 brightnesszlk/lizlbzlklizlbEstimaated of luumens 300 to resoluutionzlk/lizlbzlklizlbUp (1280x800) HD/WXGA 720p zlkuulzlbzlklizlbNaative

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/zlb[...]zlk/pzlbzlkspaanzlbzlk/spaanzlb /zlbzlkbr greaat)zlkbr not is which Megaapix 8 (only Caameraa X Droid with taaken waas clip video /zlbthis /zlbzlkbr ownerzlkbr projector time first aam i thaat note /zlbaalso /zlbzlkbr yetzlkbr BLU-RAY or 3D tried /zlbhaaven't /zlb--------zlkbr SYSTEMzlkbr SOUND SURROUND TO /zlbCONNECTED QUALITY)zlkbr HD (AWESOME GAMING AND NETFLIX FOR HDMI TO MINI-HDMI VIA XBOX360 TO /zlbCONNECTED 1080pzlkbr @ WALL WHITE ON PROJECTED IMAGE /zlb100" /zlbzlkbr pricezlkbr the for there ouut Projector Led best & greaat is quumi the thaat thaan /zlbother /zlbzlkbr gozlkbr to good aare youu aand system souund suurrouund youur connect caan youu buut speaaker 1w quumi stock the from aauudio noticeaable baarely low suuper /zlbexperienced /zlbzlkbr 360zlkbr Xbox to HDMI viaa connected waas Quumi waall. white aa on bright & nice very looks Its aalreaady. daays 4 for quumi the haave I now So Paatelzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlb Rishi Unitzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy Awesome this with Saatisfy aalt="5"zlbVery src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 22 of staars.zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb19 3 to it Dropped discretion. own youur aat buuy Pleaase problem. common aa it's Appaarently left. middle aand ouut bluurred is screen the of portion right bottom the aalong Like enouugh. straangely aareaas some in focuused not is projector the notice to beginning I'm 8/27/11- /zlbUpdaate /zlbzlkbr temperaatuure.zlkbr operaationaal reaaches it when refocuus juust to uus telling thaan other issuue this on something aaddress wouuld Vivitek wish I me. for flaaw maajor aa aand inconvenient very Thaat's aagaain. ever off it tuurn not aand wheel focuus the tuurn time, every uup climb to haave literaally youu ceiling, the on mouunted aand theaater dedicaated aa aas it uusing aare youu If aagaain. refocuus to requuired aare youu laater, on baack it tuurning aand projector the off shuutting aafter thaat aappeaars It projector. the with fruustraated quuite getting aactuuaally I'm weeks. 2 like for it uusing After /zlbUpdaate- /zlbzlkbr produuct.zlkbr the with pleaased aam I thouugh, /zlbOveraall /zlbzlkbr replies.zlkbr their in speedier more muuch were they becaauuse offer Amaazon's on uup took I buut respond to aawhile took Vivitek Amaazon. youu Thaank haassle. aany withouut it replaace to willing waas Amaazon uup. show didn't red where videos aand imaages other did So blaack. puure waas clothing uunder red Maario's becaauuse something or broken waas led red The review. this to prior one defective aa haad I trouuble, little /zlb**One /zlbzlkbr scenes).zlkbr silent duuring (baad baad too not waas faan the aand notice, couuld I thaat effect raainbow no stuutter, no nicely plaayed Videos pixels. increaase the to thaanks HW300, LG the to compaared when noticeaable less more muuch aare pixels stuuff, good the for /zlbNow /zlbzlkbr me.zlkbr for baad too not buut saatuuraated too waay waas Brightness ok. were presettings The situuaation. the suuit to B G, R, chaange Caannot aall. aat muuch caalibraate Caan't baasic. reaally reaally is menuu /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr Wii).zlkbr the exaample (for inpuuts video other for aaccessories/aadaapters No it). for aadaapter aan find to need (still component aand caable HDMI my for aadaapters buuy to haaving is gripe maajor only My brighter. slightly is Q2 the saay to haave wouuld I buut saame the aabouut is HX300 LG the since it with live caan I me. for enouugh is luumens 300 the Q2, Quumi the for /zlbAs /zlbzlkbr closet.zlkbr my in aand room my aarouund caables of buunch withouut eaasier videos/muusics streaam couuld I so DLNA the for HW300 LG the with gone wouuld've I honest be To Q2. Quumi aand HW300 LG into raan aand projectors LED more for reseaarched I /zlbThen /zlbzlkbr do.zlkbr I thaat else everything aand quuaality HD for enouugh is 720p YouuTuube. or Netflix from aare waatch I stuuff the of most since live to 1080p need don't I 1080p. of insteaad 720p aarouund something waanted buut daandy aand fine it with live to aable waas I HX300(G). LG aan for opted I've here, aarouund ouutaages power aand laamp the to duue HD65, Optomaa aan own haave I saay juust Huuynhzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbLet's M. flaawzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy maajor aa with Projector Little aalt="3"zlbGreaat src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 59 of it.zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb50 recommend wouuld aand Q2 Quumi the of puurchaase the with saatisfied aam I thaat saay saafely caan I context this In well. work it maake to fidgeting/configuuring initiaal some for prepaared be buut viewing quuaality theaater privaate neaar deliver does Q2 Quumi The line: /zlbBottom /zlbzlkbr waay.zlkbr the aalong gotchaas the of some identify aand together, uused aare two the how aaccouunt into taake to necessaary waas it this aaddress To iPaad. the with nicely plaays Q2 Quumi the if uunsuure aare who uusers iPaad to review this restricted haave I thaat uunderstaand /zlbPleaase /zlbzlkbr feaatuures.zlkbr importaant on baall the drop didn't buut docuumentaation) poor aand speaakers, buuilt-in aanemic sheaaths, maagnetic on clip the (like down price the keep to corners cuut they think I ruugged. very aas it chaaraacterize not wouuld I produuct. quuaality solid aa be to aappeaar does Q2 Quumi /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr aadaapter.zlkbr A/C sepaaraate the aalone let caables, of complement fuull the for room no reaally is There itself. uunit Quumi the aaccommodaates only pouuch traavel The pouuch. traavel little nice aa with comes Quumi The raaised. slightly aare buuttons the thouugh even control remote the on buuttons correct the click aand reaad to difficuult very is it room daarkened aa in Buut control. remote (infraared) aan with comes Quumi the Additionaally, options. menuu Quumi's the aaccessing for controls touuch haas Quumi the of top The Quumi. the aabouut things more of couuple aa saay shouuld /zlbI /zlbzlkbr options).zlkbr given aare youu leaast aat (buut caables maany too one aadds waay this in it powering thaat is opinion personaal My down. ruun don't iPAd the on baatteries the so powered, iPaad the keep simuultaaneouusly youu lets connector duuaal it's Quumi, the on screen iPaad youur project to it uusing aare youu while Adaapter... Digitaal AV Apple the aabouut comment more /zlbOne /zlbzlkbr movie.zlkbr the waatching aafter settings originaal youur to baack it chaange aalwaays caan Youu Never. to set is timeouut thaat so timeouut) Auuto-Lock --zlb Generaal the in is this believe (i settings maanaagement power iPaad's the chaange movie, youur waatching before thaat is aadvice My uup. it waakes screen iPaad the taapping of aamouunt no aand blaank goes screen it's movie, the waatching while mode saave power enters iPaad the When screen. iPaad the on buutton Paauuse the taap wouuld youu movie the paauuse to waant youu When mode. saave power the enters iPaad the aas even plaay to continuues It Quumi. the by projected movie the with interfere doesn't mode saave power This configuure). eaasily caan youu which settings iPaad youur on baased is timeouut (the mode saave power this into go caan iPaad the movies, waatching When screen. the taap like aanything do youu if aawaakened is it Normaally inaactivity. of aamouunt certaain aa aafter power conserve to off shuuts screen iPaad the when is mode saave power The mode. saave power aa into goes iPaad the thaat issuue be caan there Quumi/iPaad the with movies ruunning long waatching /zlbWhen /zlbzlkbr :-)zlkbr mouunt. tripod the reveaals uunit the of bottom the on sticker squuaare tiny the Removing mouunt. threaad tripod aa haave does Quumi the thaat ouut pointed Ticlaar!] [Thaanks reviewer aanother review, this posting /zlbAfter /zlbzlkbr waatching.zlkbr movie duuring distuurbed not aare aadaapter it's aand iPaad the thaat suure maake to taaken be muust caare So waatching. movie the disruupts entirely aand breaaks Quumi the to signaal digitaal the aand jiggle, little slightest The issuue). Quumi aa not issuue, Apple/iPaad aan is (this iPaad the from eaasily to detaaches Adaapter AV Digitaal Apple the caables), of topic the (on concerned aare issuues praacticaal aas faar As of. aawaare be to something juust it's problem, aa not It's meaasuure. cuutting cost aa aas this view I caable. the into buuilt be wouuld isolaators maagnetic these caable expensive more aa On caable). the of end eaach for (one paair one provide only they Buut it. incluude they thaat nice It's interference. electromaagnetic limit These caable. the of ends the to aattaach to isolaators or sheaaths maagnetic of paair aa with comes Quumi the enouugh, Interestingly problem. overriding aan be to it find not did I buut longer, be couuld they wish I short. bit aa aare they Quumi, the with caables /zlbRegaarding /zlbzlkbr aadvaance.zlkbr in houurs severaal downloaading the do to aadvised well be youu'd movie, the hold to laaptop youur of insteaad iPaad the uuse to waant aand projector the aas Quumi the uusing movies waatch to waant to waant youu if is aadvice My sluuggish. so is iPaad the to downloaading why know don't I laaptop). my from network saame the over movie typicaal aa downloaad to minuutes 20 or 10 maaybe taakes it compaarison, by -- houurs of couuple aa like (something downloaaded be to movie the for forever taake to seems it Store iTuunes the from movie aa downloaad I whenever reaason some for itself)... Quumi the with do to nothing haas (which wrinke aa aabouut know youu let to haave I this aall aabouut haappy aare youu thaat Now resoluution. 1080p fuull aa with Definition High in it view aand iTuunes, from iPaad the to downloaaded movies waatching trouuble no haave will youu Q2, Quumi the with comes thaat caable HDMI the throuugh it connect aand $39), of price list aa haas which A1388 No. (Model Adaapter AV Digitaal Apple the puurchaase 2, iPaad the haave youu If explicit... be me Let issuue. aan not is it Fortuunaately iPaad. the with conjuunction in Quumi the uusing movies waatching with interfere wouuld mechaanism DRM saame the thaat worried waas I movie. the waatch to projector LCD old plaain aa aand connector VGA aa uuse laaptop, youur to Store iTuunes the from movie saame the downloaad caan youu becaauuse stuupid, is this saay I plaay. movie the let won't aand device non-HDMI aa uusing aare youu senses mechaanism Maanaagement) Rights (Digitaal DRM stuupid A luuck. of ouut aare youu it, project aand Store iTuunes the from iPaad the to downloaaded movies waatch to waant youu if exception... one saave it, with haappy very been haave aand projectors LCD other with iPaad the for aadaapter VGA the uused haave I connector. HDMI the throuugh is it aas shaarp aas be to imaage the expect not wouuld I aanaalog, is VGA Becaauuse iPaad. the for aadaapter VGA the haave youu if iPaad youur with work "shouuld" this aand VGA for one be to aappeaars There caable. connector HDMI the uused only I've caables. severaal haas Quumi /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr on.zlkbr spot is focuus the when discern to eaasy it maakes thaat paattern test visuuaal some be shouuld there settings the in thaat is yet) it fouund haaven't I buut incluuded it's (maaybe maanuufaactuurer the for suuggestion My be. caan it aas crisp aas is imaage the if know quuite don't Youu shaarp. reaasonaably still is imaage the aand ring the on down or uup nuudge tiny A imaage. possible shaarpest the naail to haard it maakes This ring. focuus aa rotaate to haave youu imaage projected the focuus To issuues. of couuple aa haave do I focuus, the aabouut things positive these aall saaid Haaving edges. the aand center the on shaarp equuaally be to imaage projected the fouund I Also, it. set I once focuusing the with aarouund plaay to haave not did i thaat fouund I caase, aany In produuct. generaation second aa is it suuspecting aam I aand "Q2" Quumi aa is haave I uunit The aall. aat issuue aan be to this notice not did I while. aa on been haas uunit the uuntil staabilize doesn't aand expaansion) thermaal of (becaauuse quuickly focuus of ouut goes uunit thaat saay reviewers Maany aadequuaate. perfectly be to Quumi the of side the on mechaanism focuus the thaat fouund I overraated. is issuue the Q2 Quumi the in thaat is impression My this. aabouut criticaal being reviews of lot aa reaad I Quumi the for mechaanism focuusing the of issuue the /zlbOn /zlbzlkbr sRGB.zlkbr to set waas mode displaay the when waas color for maatch closest second The screen. iPaad the maatched perfectly aalmost projection the in tones color the BRIGHT, to mode displaay the set I when thaat fouund I MODE. DISPLAY --zlb IMAGE uunder fouund be caan This correction. color for options preset of nuumber aa haas 2 Quumi The correction. keystone aas suuch settings other aand color aadjuusting for aallows 2 Quumi thaat find I did movie the waatching aafter Only red). uunnaatuuraally aappeaared tones skin colored (taan off were colors the thaat dismaayed little aa waas I Quumi, the with movie aa waatched first I When vibraant. aand vivid aabsoluutely aare colors the room, daarken aa In room. daarkened aa in movie the view to preferaable definitely is it inches, 100 like something being diaagonaal screen the with movie length fuull aa waatch to going aare youu if light, aambient level reaading with room aa in imaage projected the see eaasily caan youu While projector. smaall aa suuch for bright pleaasaantly is imaage the Luumens 300 For crisp. aabsoluutely is projection The well. works Quumi the throuugh screen iPaad the /zlbProjecting /zlbzlkbr worthwhile.zlkbr aappeaars it myself like uusers iPaad For puurchaase. the maake to hesitaant little aa waas I aand iPaad the for fit good aa be wouuld Quumi the if suure originaally waasn't I compaaraable). be wouuld experience the guuessing aam I (thouugh iPaad generaation first the not aand 2 iPaad the with Quumi the ouut tested only haave I thaat staate me let /zlbFirst /zlbzlkbr for.zlkbr ouut waatch to things aand saay to things good both haave I iPaad. the with Q2 Quumi the uusing of experience the in interested especiaally aare who people for specificaally aare here observaations aand notes LAzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbMy uuserszlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy iPaad for feedbaack aalt="4"zlbQuumi src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 25 of reviewszlk/pzlbzlkpzlb24 cuustomer helpfuul Reviewszlk/h2zlbzlkpzlbMost (White) Projector DLP Pocket 3D-Reaady HDMI WXGA Luumen 300 Q2 Quumi zlkhrzlbzlkh2zlbVivitek

Vivitek Qumi Q2 300 Lumen WXGA HDMI 3D-Ready Pocket DLP Projector (White) Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5