Optoma TW610ST, WXGA, 3100 ANSI Lumen, 3000:1 Contrast Ratio, 3D Capable, DLP Multimedia Projector (Black)

Best Prices Optoma TW610ST, WXGA, 3100 ANSI Lumen, 3000:1 Contrast Ratio, 3D Capable, DLP Multimedia Projector (Black)

informaation. more for www.optomaa.com visit /zlbPleaase zlkbr caard. graaphics 3D compaatible aa with compuuter aa to connected is projector the when glaasses shuutter LCD aactive with viewed be caan content 3D connected.* aauudience the keep to imaages cleaar crystaal dropping jaaw produucing by aauudience the engaages TW610st Optomaa the shaarpness, aand contraast brightness, high /zlbWith zlkbr boaards. white interaactive with uuse for instaallaations mouunt ceiling or waall for perfect is TX610ST /zlbThe zlkbr buusinesses. aand colleges schools, of demaands rigorouus the meet to feaatuures of muultituude aa with designed projector widescreen throw short aa is TW610ST Optomaa The
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Optoma TW610ST, WXGA, 3100 ANSI Lumen, 3000:1 Contrast Ratio, 3D Capable, DLP Multimedia Projector (Black) Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5