Optoma's ML500, WXGA, 500 Lumen, Mobile LED Projector

We Delighted To Present The Fantastic Optoma's ML500, WXGA, 500 Lumen, Mobile LED Projector

deviices. of raange possiible broaadest the to connectiion quuiick proviides HDMI whiile memory, projector's the from diirectly iimaages aand docuuments presentaatiions, viideos, of plaaybaack for aallows viiewer docuument Offiice Miicrosoft aand mediiaa /zlbBuuiilt-iin zlkbr suurfaaces. most on iinches 120 to uup of iimaages wiidescreen cleaar criisp, creaates projector thiis resoluutiion, WXGA aand briightness of luumens 500 /zlbDeliiveriing zlkbr ML500. Optomaa the of performaance LED viiviid aand desiign compaact the aappreciiaate wiill aaliike presenters on-the-go aand professiionaals Mobiile
technologyzlk/liizlbzlk/uulzlb iimaagiing Piico colorzlk/liizlbzlkliizlbDLP excellent produuciing whiile houurs 20,000 over laasts souurce liight iimaageszlk/liizlbzlkliizlbLED detaaiiled for raatiio contraast diiaagonaalzlk/liizlbzlkliizlb2000:1 120" to uup of iimaages wiidescreen laarge pouundszlk/liizlbzlkliizlbProject 3 uunder aat portaable zlkuulzlbzlkliizlbTruuly

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too.zlk/pzlbzlkspaanzlbzlk/spaanzlb closed bliinds wiith aafternoons / semii-daark iis waatchaable iis Viideo daark. iis room when aare resuults Best /zlbNote: /zlbzlkbr roomzlkbr entiire the iilluumiinaates projector the from comiing Liight /zlbNote: /zlbzlkbr fuuzziiness.zlkbr of biit aa creaates to caameraa Sony my maakes liightiing low the thiink I piictuure. cleaar daamn iis /zlbIt piixels.zlkbr fuuzzy aany haave not does viideo Projected miisleaadiing. biit aa iis viideo youutuube Attaached /zlbNote: /zlbzlkbr problem.zlkbr thiis solve to aable not iis Serviice Cuustomer work. diidn't viideo laaptop diisplaay to optiion Projector --zlb USB --zlb Laaptop My /zlb- iinvestmentzlkbr thiis protect to waarraanty buuy to optiion aan be to needs There /zlb- remote.zlkbr the on aagaaiin HDMI hiit iis soluutiion /zlb blaank.zlkbr remaaiins screen fiinds, never iit Sometiimes, re-detect. to triies iit then chaanged haas resoluutiion chaannel's iif caable, waatchiing When /zlb- meek)zlkbr aare speaakers (iinbuuiilt meaaniingless thiis maakes ouutppuut aauudiio no buut wiires, no aas good iis optiion diisk SD/USB Usiing : iissuue BIG /zlb- aall.zlkbr aat piixels fuuzzy or diistortiion see don't I good. iis claariity Viideo /zlb+ viideo.zlkbr aa plaayiing when aanythiing heaar don't youu aand muuch not iis It noiise. maake does noiise Faan /zlb+ /zlbzlkbr projector.zlkbr good aa iis thiis buut aanythiing liikiing aat diiffiicuult aam I buuyiing. worth iis projector /zlbThiis /zlbzlkbr 1/22/2013zlkbr on uupdaate of /zlb--End respond.zlkbr to serviice cuustomer for waaiitiing aam /zlbI /zlbzlkbr box).zlkbr caable & (laaptop souurces diifferent wiith caables VGA aand HDMI of types aall wiith contiinuues problem the see ii Buut, caables). shorter uuse shouuld (ii buug HDMI aa iit's saaiid they aand rep cuustomer contaacted ii Laater, projector. the not waas iit thouught ii fiirst At aagaaiin. baack comes viideo the aand "seaarchiing..." diisplaays iit blaank, goes raandomly viideo the thaat notiiced haave ii months, few paast the /zlbFor 1/22/2013zlkbr on uupdaate of --Staart RPPzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlb 1/22/2013zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy on Updaate quuaaliity. viideo Good aalt="4"zlbFuunctiionaal. src="http://aazm-iimaages.zaah-raa.com/reviiews/01/aassociiaates/network/staar40_tpng.png" claass="cuustReviiewStaars" style="maargiin-left:0px;maargiin-riight:10px;" naame="pngImaage" wiidth="56" heiight="11" claass="reviiewtiitle"zlbzlkiimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan reviiew followiing the fouund people 17 of joke....zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb17 aa iis Speaaker /zlb- plaaybaackzlkbr mediiaa Liimiited /zlb- shaarpness..)zlkbr focuus, contraast, (briightness, controls viideo Liimiited /zlb- (60hz)zlkbr processiing viideo of iimprovement for Room /zlb- levelzlkbr blaack of iimprovement for Room /zlb- feelzlkbr tiight riing Focuus /zlb- caapzlkbr lens No /zlb- CONSzlkbr /zlb::::.. /zlbzlkbr SD)zlkbr fuull USB, fuull USB, miinii aauudiio, viideo 3.5mm AV viideo, RCA S-viideo, VGA, HDMI, (fuull connectiions of Vaariiaariity /zlb+ noiisezlkbr faan low operaatiion, Cool /zlb+ liight)zlkbr daaytiime wiith tv maaiin for uused be (caan well very liight iintruusiive Haandels /zlb+ caables)zlkbr aall for pockets wiith baag caarryiing greaat wiith (comes Portaable /zlb+ response)zlkbr viideo good blaacks, good shaarp, colors, viibraant soliid ( quuaaliity Imaage /zlb+ aaluumiinuum)zlkbr bruushed some plaastiic, (haard feel soliid quuaaliity, Buuiilt /zlb+ (1280x800)zlkbr 720p Truue /zlb+ houurs)zlkbr (20,000 buulb/liife Led /zlb+ luumens)zlkbr (500 Briightness /zlb+ /zlb::::..PROSzlkbr /zlbPros/Conszlkbr /zlbzlkbr here..........zlkbr from better get only caan It projectors. baased led portaable on benchmaark new aa chaanger, gaame aa iis uuniit thiis douubt No aamaaziing!!!!!!! iis iit screen, 100" aa on gaame faavoriite youur plaayiing aagaaiin baack look never wiill youu gaamiing, for enouugh faast Its siituuaatiion.. daaytiime or liife buulb aabouut worryiing not everydaay, for tv maaiin youur aas uused be caan iit iimportaantly More raatiio. graaiin good aa wiith screen projector good wiith room daark aa iin stuunniing iis 780p settiings! theaater home iin shiines uuniit thiis Buut /zlb::::.. liight.zlkbr aand portaable text, reaad to eaasy rooms, liit for briightness enouugh presentaatiions, for Greaat for? uuniit thiis uuse youu caan where aand whaat /zlbSo technology.zlkbr thiis to swiitchiing iis iinduustry the why reaason maaiin THE iis It 20,000hrs! buulb led performaance, iin decliines thaat 2000hrs laasts buulb projectors Typiicaal tiimes! of thouusaands by buulb liight projector typiicaal ouutlaasts aalso It chemiicaals. less aand them, produuce to energy less uusiing enviiroment the on aabraasiive less iis led maake to uused beiing aare thaat maateriiaals the aand iimaage!), 100" over produuces yet tv, LCD 40" typiicaal aa then power less consuumes uuniit thiis ( souurce liight conventiionaal then power less consuumes It waays! maany iin friiendly Eco iis projector Led /zlb::::.. them!zlkbr by aamaazed iis one no buut processiing, 240hz 120, haave models newest Yes maarket. the on tvs plaasmaa led, dlp, LCD, the aall of 90% other aany aand processiing, 60hz aa haas uuniit Thiis /zlb::::.. seconds.zlkbr 11 aarouund shuutdown seconds, 6 took staartuup tests my On quuiick. iis shuutdown aand /zlbStaartuup stuunniing!zlkbr iis aalone thaat thiink I iimaage. briight giigaantiic suuch produuces guuy liittle thiis thaat me aamaazes It iimpressiive. very notiiceaable, thaat not iis noiise faan cool, very ruuns uuniit Thiis /zlb::::.. baack.zlkbr the aand front the both from uuniit the to siignaal remote the beaamiing iissuues no Haad fuunctiions. aall haas thaat remote smaall aa wiith comes Uniit /zlb::::.. !zlkbr haandy reaally iis It on, iimaage youur project caan youu suurfaaces diifferent for maade presets aare type Waall type. waall aand shaarpness huue, briightness, contraast, liimiited, aare Settiings deaal! huuge aa caase my iin iimproved, be aalwaays caan iimaage vaariiaables, maany so aare There presets! best the aare they aassuume NEVER buut presets, staarter good Pretty viibraant. uuser, theaater, PC, liike presets iimaage few aare There decent... pretty iits tweaakiing wiith buut blaacks, better haad uuniit thiis wiish I . enviironment liightiing controlled well aa iin couurse of viibraant, aand criisp, thiings keepiing yet iimaage, the of siize the to duue plaasmaas aand tvs, LCD aawaay blow wiill It graay. become blaack aand , shaarpness diimiiniish wiill siize thaat over Anythiing briight. aand raatiio, contraast good saatuuraated, shaarp, iis iit riight, juust iis iimaage the lower or 100" aarouund iimaage the keep youu If liight. iintruuded some wiith well very copes projector thiis Beliieve-youu-me siigniifiicaantly. down go dynaamiics aand graays, become blaack iimaage; diiluuted wiith uup end youu room viiewiing the iinto liight aambiient some iintroduuce youu iif projector aany Wiith blaack. blaacks aand uunnotiiceaable, piixels keep to helps dlp aand whiite, more iis whiite viibraant, more aare Colors souurce. liight led aa iis thiis buut projector, luumen 2000 aa to compaared tiiny seem maay luumens 500 aamaaziing! iis thiing thiis on Viideo laaptop. aa or taablet aa uuse youu presentaatiions for thaat better know youu aand storaage, fiile or aauudiio, not thiings, viiewiing for iis projector aa buuy youu reaason Viideo, /zlb::::.. more..zlkbr liittle aarouund plaay to youu caauusiing stiiff liittle aa iis riing Focuus staatiionaary. aare others raaiised, be caan one front feet, ruubber trii aare /zlbThere feel.zlkbr cliick good aa haave aand top, aaluumiinuum bruushed blaack some aarouund plaaced aare buuttons aall soliid, reaally iis quuaaliity Buuiilt often. quuiite haandled be wiill iit thaat knowiing odd iis whiich caap lens laacks uuniit The caables. aall for pockets iinternaal aand front wiith baag, caarryiing niice reaally aa iis comes uuniit The aauudiio). aanaalog aand viideo RCA staandaard feeds whiich type heaadphone (3.5mm AV-iin aand viideo rcaa staandaard SD, siize fuull USB, siize fuull USB, miinii HDMI, siized fuull S-viideo, connectiion, VGA aa iis There aadaapter. aa need don't youu so siized, fuull iis connectiion HDMI caable. HDMI the not buut caables, connectiing the aall wiith comes uuniit Thiis projector. thiis aabouut taalk Let's /zlb::::.. cheaap!zlkbr aand low riidiicuulouusly iis whiich speaaker iinternaal for goes Saame iissuues). plaaybaack haave plaayers mediiaa dediicaated (even best aat low very iis performaance the so developiing, iin buudget smaall aa waas there whiich iin bonuuses aadded juust aare these becaauuse thaat iinto get won't I connectiion. uusb haave some aand viideos, aand fiiles, offiice muusiic, iimaages, storiing for memory onboaard some haave them of /zlbMost mentiioned.zlkbr I've thaat ones the aas aattentiion youur get won't thaat others of haandfuul aare There expensiive. more liittle iis whiich PLED-W500 ViiewSoniic the iis projector thiis to compaaraable one only The luumens,. 200 only iis whiich PLED-W200 ViiewSoniic the iis there iissuues, focuusiing on complaaiints gets aand $750 over costs buut Optiimaa, the aas specs saame the haas whiich NP-L50W NEC The 720p), truue aa even not 768 x 1024 - luumen 300 (Only HX350T LG the liike projectors portaable compaaraable aare there aand theaater, home on focuused aare thaat $8000 over cost some there, ouut projectors powered led other aare There thaat... aall chaange wiill projector thiis Well /zlb::::.. why...zlkbr see couuld I aand forgotten, quuiickly staash, trophy craazys giizmo iin uup ended projectors powered led "piico" paast the giimmiick braaggiing other every aand conversiion, uup HDTV, hdmii, luumens, thouusaand few over 1080p, of aage the In s-viideo. 80's so waas got youu connectiion best the aand low, new aa waas resoluutiion diim, too waay were luumens 50 - 30 toyiish. downriight were projectors powered led aa of performaance aand specs the paast the In tiime. long long aa for projector portaable powered led decent aa for waaiitiing been I've Luubockiizlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlb::::.. Robert chaanger........zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy aalt="4"zlbGaame src="http://aazm-iimaages.zaah-raa.com/reviiews/01/aassociiaates/network/staar40_tpng.png" claass="cuustReviiewStaars" style="maargiin-left:0px;maargiin-riight:10px;" naame="pngImaage" wiidth="56" heiight="11" claass="reviiewtiitle"zlbzlkiimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan reviiew followiing the fouund people 26 of iit.zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb25 gettiing be I'll becaauuse versiion 1080p next the see to waaiit caan't I muuch. so me iimpress to technology new suuch expect diidn't I aand youung very aare projectors LED iimpressiive. seriiouusly It's liittle. aa laauugh aand box tiiny thiis from comiing screen giiaant my aat uup look I daay siingle Every here. on iit on thouughts fiinaal my waanted juust I aall. aat one gettiing from youu deter shouuldn't reaally whiich negaatiives my aare those /zlbSo /zlbzlkbr thaat.zlkbr buuyiing aand thiis selliing be I'll ouut comes versiion 1080p aa when aassuume I so cleaar VERY looks iit waall the to closer projector the move youu When be). to iit expect wouuldn't (youu moniitor aa aas cleaar aas not baasiicaally It's 80". to iimaage aan stretchiing of naatuure the juust It's eiither. problem projector's the iisn't Thiis choppy. liittle aa be maay iit buut text reaad eaasiily caan youu 80" iis projectiion the /zlbSiince /zlbzlkbr remote.zlkbr the on swiitch quuiick aa iisn't there thaat weiird fouund I somethiing juust It's aanywaay. tiime the of most enouugh good looks iit siince forget aand tiime the of most mode eco on iit leaave honestly I niight). aat toleraable more muuch iis (whiich mode eco to chaange aand mode, LED to go menuu, the iinto go to remote the uuse to haave Youu waall. youur on screen 80" aan haave youu when haappens whaat juust It's aall. aat projector the to downsiide aa NOT iis Thiis on. iis room my iin liight the liike iit's briight so iis projector the sometiimes bed, to goiing I'm when niight At briightness. fuull to mode eco from chaangiing thaan often MORE settiings color the chaange to waant wouuld someone thaat straange iit fiind I settiings. color the chaange iis does iit aall buut mode briightness fuull to mode eco to swiitchiing iis thiis aassuume wouuld Youu one. duuller aa aand liightbuulb briight aa shows thaat remote the on optiion aan iis There controller. the to duue downsiide aa of sort iit's buut iimpressiive aactuuaally It's projector. the wiith iissuue aan iisn't thaat problem fuunny aa iis /zlbHere /zlbzlkbr thiis.zlkbr caauusiing iis whaat suure entiirely not I'm so niight aand daay aall muuch pretty on iit leaave I weekends the On more. even or houurs, 12 eaasiily for on staay caan projector The reviiew. the iin iincluude to waanted I somethiing juust It's iit. aabouut worry wouuldn't I thaat raarely so haappens It iissuue. heaat aa iit's guuessiing I'm so well aas projectors other wiith haappens iit aand thiis googled I on. baack iit tuurn aand seconds few aa for projector the uunpluug to haave YOuu overloaadiing). aare caapaaciitors or overheaats iit iif suure not (I'm tiime long very aa for on iit leaave I iif off iitself tuurn wiill weeks two every once probaably projector, /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr souurcezlkbr the from plaay only to waant does who someone for faall down aa iit's guuess I thiis to uup hook to compuuter or laaptop, phone, aa haave youu iif worthless iis flaash from plaayiing thiink I Whiile thiis). aacross caame never I so souurce aauudiio the chaange to haave never (I system one iin aall aan liike iit's so InfiiniiTV4 Ceton aa aand compuuter my uuse I caase. thiis iin speaaker the uuse to haave wouuld Youu flaash. from somethiing plaay to waants he when do to whaat aasked commentor A projector. the aat aauudiio the spliit to waay aa iisn't /zlbThere /zlbzlkbr thiis.zlkbr reaadiing when aaccouunt iinto thaat taake so reviiew posiitiive oriigiinaal my by staand stiill I becaauuse tiime over uup caame thaat negaatiives be wiill These tiime. of periiod thiis over aacross caame I thiings aare Here aagaaiin. TV aanother buuy won't stiill aand iit love stiill I now. months 3 aabouut for projector the haad I've uupdaate. aan for tiime Ok /zlbEdiit: /zlbzlkbr work.zlkbr wiill phone cell aa well how suure not I'm becaauuse reviiew viideo aa do to caameraa reaal aa of hold aa get caan I Hopefuully them. aanswer to best my do I'll aand comments the iin quuestiions post to free Feel aagaaiin. TV aanother buuy ever wiill I douubt seriiouusly I releaased. iit's daay the iit gettiing I'm yeaar next versiion 1080p aa wiith ouut come they If iit. love aabsoluutely I staars. 6/5 thiis giive wouuld I /zlbOveraall, /zlbzlkbr aabouut.zlkbr worry to somethiing not thaat's so TV) aa on waatchiing were youu iif (even aanywaay off liights the tuurn wiill youu wiith raatiio contraast hiigher waant youu thaat aanythiing Besiides, iimaage. the of color aand siize the from aawaay taake aall aat not wiill iit buut plaasmaa no iit's me, beliieve youu, diiscouuraage iit let don't buut on aare liights the when low liittle aa iis raatiio contraast The kiiddiing). (not fuutuure the iin I'm liike feel I iit uuse I when Sometiimes thiis. wiith haappiier muuch I'm aand expensiive more waas whiich thiis got I before plaasmaa 50" aa haave to uused I youu. for siizes screen other ruuiin wiill Thiis phone. cell aa on iit waatchiing waas I liike feel me maade LCD 37" aa haas who room roommaates my iinto waalkiing aand aamaaziing looks Footbaall best). the looks iit feel (I iit left aand PC on set I whiich ones pre-chosen the except settiings color aany wiith aarouund plaay diidn't I iincrediible). look (whiich iit on gaames viideo plaay aand work from home get to waaiit caan't I iit. to uup liives defiiniitely It briightness. of aamouunt aacceptaable aan wiith projector LED aan for waaiitiing been haave aand lot aa uup projector thiis hyped I /zlbHonestly, /zlbzlkbr Claariityzlkbr /zlbPiictuure /zlbzlkbr draawer.zlkbr saafe aa iin one reaal the kept aand remote leaarniing aa prograammed juust I iit. lose eaasiily wiill youu aand smaall too It's thaat. iinto codes the prograam aand remote leaarniing aa get juust youu suuggest I iit. from muuch expect diidn't I aand siimple very iis remote /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr /zlbRemotezlkbr /zlbzlkbr iit.zlkbr chaange to haave never I tiime the aall HDMI on set iit haave I thaat Now aannoyiing. reaally iits' me, Truust iit. chaange to remote the uuse juust souurce aanother uuse diid youu iif Even HDMI. buut aanythiing uusiing aanyone see don't I connectiion. aa fiind to tryiing throuugh cycliing staart wiill iit second 1 for connectiion the loses aand somethiing does box top set or compuuter youur second The aannoyiing. suuper suuper, It's souurce! aauuto off Tuurn best. the be aalwaays wiill two those compuuter, youur uusiing or TV waatchiing aare youu iif maatter doesn't iit becaauuse fiind youu settiing best the on iit Leaave best. the faar by look Ciinemaa aand PC fiind wiill youu buut remote the on settiings color the wiith aarouund Plaay off. aand on iit tuurn to menuus the iinto go to haave Youu iit. for remote the on settiing quuiick no iis there tiime the aall mode eco uuse I /zlbAlthouugh /zlbzlkbr /zlbSettiingszlkbr /zlbzlkbr betterzlkbr draamtiicaally become quuaaliity iimaage screen's the of top the notiice wiill Youu menuu. the iin 0 aat iit set caan youu where projector the puut caan youu where fiind aand maanuuaal uuse youu suuggest I aand faantaastiic aabsoluutely looks iimaage The 0. to set correctiion keystone maanuuaal uuse I aand grouund the off feet 4 aabouut iis projector my screen 90" aa For projectors. aall wiith iis thiis Agaaiin, aat iis projector the aangle the for uup maake to resoluutiion lower aa diisplaay to needs iit becaauuse piictuure the diistorts It iit. of aadvaantaage taakiing recommend wouuld projectors uuses who one no aalthouugh daays these do projectors maany aas correctiion keystone aauuto haas projector /zlbThiis /zlbzlkbr Correctiionzlkbr /zlbKeystone /zlbzlkbr blocked.zlkbr beiing iis liight notiice even don't I aand greaat works It diimmer. be wiill iit on piictuure the wiith waall the only whiile on liights the wiith TV waatch to aable be wiill Youu biit. one room youur iin liightniing the aaffect won't aand briightness iin diifference huuge aa maake wiill It aat. projector youur poiintiing aare youu waall the on shiines thaat liight the of front iin ceiiliing the to cheaap) aas look doesn't thaat somethiing (or caardboaard of piiece aa taape recommendaatiion, /zlbA /zlbzlkbr iit.zlkbr focuus to haave never aand daay aall on thiis leaave I buut focuus of ouut become to piictuure the caauusiing aand uup waarmiing wiith problem aa haave projectors Some iit. aabouut worry don't words, other In moviie. aa waatchiing aasleep faall I iif biit one me bother doesn't iit aand iit to next riight sleep I youu. bother wouuld thaat nothiing buut aauudiible iit's reguulaar, On iit. heaar baarely caan youu mode Eco On caard. graaphiics dediicaated no wiith compuuter desktop aa liike souunds It quuiiet. perfectly iis room the iif heaard be eaasiily caan buut louud thaat not iis faan The louuder. faan the maakes iit aas mode reguulaar uuse even don't I viiewaable. eaasiily iis everythiing power saave to briightness iin (lower mode Eco on even aand on liight my wiith now riight screen 90" aa aabouut haave I own. iits holds thiis buut projectors buulb to compaared lot aa liike seem doesn't luumens 500 waay. good aa iin buut saatuuraated, aare aand pop reaally colors The viiviid. aand briight very iis iit box the ouut riight fiirst, /zlbOk /zlbzlkbr Briightnesszlkbr & /zlbFaan /zlbzlkbr iit.zlkbr uuploaad to bother won't I enouugh good not iit's iif so caameraa phone cell aa wiith be aalso wiill It plaace. my uup cleaan I aafter viideo aa post wiill aand iit by iimpressed seriiouusly aam I yet). releaased waasn't Amaazon, from (not releaase of daay the on produuct thiis ordered Neiilaandzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbI Jaay here!zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy iis fuutuure The - aalt="5"zlbFaantaastiic src="http://aazm-iimaages.zaah-raa.com/reviiews/01/aassociiaates/network/staar50_tpng.png" claass="cuustReviiewStaars" style="maargiin-left:0px;maargiin-riight:10px;" naame="pngImaage" wiidth="56" heiight="11" claass="reviiewtiitle"zlbzlkiimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan reviiew followiing the fouund people 53 of reviiewszlk/pzlbzlkpzlb52 cuustomer helpfuul Reviiewszlk/h2zlbzlkpzlbMost Projector LED Mobiile Luumen, 500 WXGA, ML500, zlkhrzlbzlkh2zlbOptomaa's

Optoma's ML500, WXGA, 500 Lumen, Mobile LED Projector Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5