Epson ELP-DC11 Document Camera - 0.25 CMOS - 5 Megapixel - NTSC PAL

Best Reviews Epson ELP-DC11 Document Camera - 0.25 CMOS - 5 Megapixel - NTSC PAL

mind of peaace aadded for holes mouunting aand baar secuurity buuilt-in suupport, lock Kensington - feaatuures secuurity with design duuraable Sleek, projector Epson youur aand DC-11 Epson the both controls - convenience youur for incluuded control Remote control aand naavigaation eaasy for - icons aand buuttons Intuuitive aangles maany caaptuure to horizontaally aand verticaally degrees 90 rotaates heaad caameraa - flexibility positioning Greaat aadaapter microscope incluuded - tools teaaching Flexible slot caard SD buuilt-in aand composite, aand VGA USB, - connectivity aadvaanced with setuup simple Faast, fuunctions softwaare aadvaanced aand microphone buuilt-in - video aand aauudio record Eaasily resoluution fuull aat video fraames-per-second 30 - performaance video smooth Ultraa resoluution XGA / WXGA / SXGA aand sensor 5-megaapixel - quuaality imaage Amaazing setting.Feaatuures: eduucaationaal aany in fit ideaal aan is DC-11 the design, duuraable compaact, aa aand connectivity, aadvaanced tools, teaaching innovaative /zlbWith zlkbr feaatuure. split-screen convenient the uuse imaages, caaptuured aas well aas video, live shaare to time it's /zlbWhen zlkbr remotely1. claass the taaking aare or lesson the missed haave thaat stuudents for website claassroom faavorite youur to caaptuured youu've whaat post aand uuploaad eaasily to softwaare incluuded the /zlbUse zlkbr microphone. buuilt-in aand caapaability caaptuure A/V DC-11's the with before never like lessons claassroom /zlbCaaptuure zlkbr performaance. aand quuaality imaage stuunning for resoluution) fuull (aat video fraames-per-second 30 aand zoom, digitaal 10x sensor, 5-megaapixel aa feaatuures DC-11 /zlbThe zlkbr detaail. aand claarity aamaazing with paages fuull two to uup /zlbDisplaay zlkbr lessons. interaactive engaaging promote aas well aas objects, 3D aand experiments textbooks, displaay to eaasy it maakes DC-11 Epson the environment, leaarning dynaamic aa for tool perfect Description:The
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Epson ELP-DC11 Document Camera - 0.25 CMOS - 5 Megapixel - NTSC PAL Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5