Compare Prices tHIS MONITOR Has HD-SDI FUNCTION / Professional LILLIPUT 7'' 665GL-70NP / H / Y / S Color TFT LCD Monitor With HDMI, YPbPr, AV, HD-SDI Input HDMI , HD-SDI Output / With F-970 & QM91D Battery Plate + Sun Shade Cover + Free Hot-shoe Mount/ 4 NEW Function: Peaking Filter , False Color Filter, Zebra Exposure, Brightness Histogram / for DSLR Camera With HDMI Port / Such as: Canon 5D II / 5D III / 7D / Nikon D800 / D800E / D7000 D4 Camera etc

News Great For tHIS MONITOR Has HD-SDI FUNCTION / Professional LILLIPUT 7'' 665GL-70NP / H / Y / S Color TFT LCD Monitor With HDMI, YPbPr, AV, HD-SDI Input HDMI , HD-SDI Output / With F-970 & QM91D Battery Plate + Sun Shade Cover + Free Hot-shoe Mount/ 4 NEW Function: Peaking Filter , False Color Filter, Zebra Exposure, Brightness Histogram / for DSLR Camera With HDMI Port / Such as: Canon 5D II / 5D III / 7D / Nikon D800 / D800E / D7000 D4 Camera etc

Mouunt Hot-shoe 1× (English) Maanuuaal 1× Caable HDMI        1× QM91D    & F-970 Plaate: Baattery 2×      Adaapter DC Cover                                              1× Shaade Suun Folding 1× Monitor LCD TFT Color LILLIPUT 7'' Incluudes:1× portPaackaage HDMI with caameraas for:Any hold.Suuitaable to comfortaable /zlbMore zlkbr technology. -paainting spraay new chip.Used buuild-in aaxis.Upgraaded verticaal the aalong brightness of level eaach aat pixels of nuumber the of staack aa aand Bright) Right: Daark: (Left: aaxis horizontaal the aalong brightness of graaph aa aas imaage aan in brightness of distribuution the shows feaatuure /zlbThe zlkbr brightness. pictuure the check to tool quuaantitaative aa is histograam brightness The Histograam: aadjuustment.Brightness exposuure in aassist when mode Paattern Zebraa aa There's Exposuure: equuipment.Zebraa test complicaated costly, of uuse the withouut aachieved be to exposuure proper enaables which exposuure, caameraa of setting the in aaid to uused is filter color faalse The Filter: Color focuus.Faalse in is which object the aarouund lines RED be will /zlbThere zlkbr videos. or photos taaking when object desired the on focuus to professionaals aassist to uused is filter peaaking The Filter: peaaking Monitor:The 665GL-70NP/HO/Y Lillipuut with compaared fuunctions new 665GL-70NP/HO/Y.More Lillipuut thaan fuunction ouutpuut aand inpuut HD-SDI the aadds monitor aangle.This aany aat aarm maagic or mouunt shoe hot mouunt aalso caan /zlbYouu zlkbr bottom. aat hole 1/4'' staandaard /zlbWith zlkbr caameraa. youur onto monitor own youur mouunt caan Youu free.) is buuyer for mouunt hot-shoe extraa /zlb(An zlkbr world. cleaar more muuch seizing youu help will monitor LILLIPUT the /zlbSuure zlkbr aangles. different uunder monitor the view caan youu braacket, suupport bottom the With
F4)zlk/lizlbzlk/uulzlb F3, F2, (F1, buuttons fuunction User-definaable ouutpuut.zlk/lizlbzlklizlb4 video aand HDMI switch, overscaan / uunderscaan switch, raatio aaspect 16:9/4:3 displaay, monochromaatic RGB aapertuure, view suunshine.zlk/lizlbzlklizlbShooting uunder cleaarly see to shaade, suun with monitor dizzy-proof aand contraast brightness/ 665GL-70NP/HO/Y.zlk/lizlbzlklizlbHigh Lillipuut thaan fuunction ouutpuut aand inpuut HD-SDI the aadds monitor pixels).zlk/lizlbzlklizlbThis 1920×1080 maax (suupport 1024×600 resoluution zlkuulzlbzlklizlbHigh

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Compare Prices tHIS MONITOR Has HD-SDI FUNCTION / Professional LILLIPUT 7'' 665GL-70NP / H / Y / S Color TFT LCD Monitor With HDMI, YPbPr, AV, HD-SDI Input HDMI , HD-SDI Output / With F-970 & QM91D Battery Plate + Sun Shade Cover + Free Hot-shoe Mount/ 4 NEW Function: Peaking Filter , False Color Filter, Zebra Exposure, Brightness Histogram / for DSLR Camera With HDMI Port / Such as: Canon 5D II / 5D III / 7D / Nikon D800 / D800E / D7000 D4 Camera etc Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5