daay.zlk/pzlbzlkspaanzlbzlk/spaanzlb aa times severaal in it on AFN waatch I aand roommaates My yeaar. paast this Afghaanistaan in it uusing been I've cools). it aafter on baack it tuurn youu (or uup waarms it once aadjuusted be to needs it aand focuus to pictuure whole the get never caan I thouugh. issuues focuus few aa haas It Forzaa. or series Haalo the of aany especiaally gaames, 360 Xbox my plaaying well work to it expect wouuldn't I gaames. caartoon-like very other aand Sports Wii for greaat works buut LoZ, for okaay It's Sports. Wii aand Sword Skywaard Zeldaa: of Legend plaay to it uused /zlbI've ownership:zlkbr of yeaar aa neaarly /zlbAfter /zlbzlkbr thouugh.zlkbr room the in daark completely waas It sheet. aa with projector aa on movies waatching were we forgot I lifelike. more look it maake to colors Plaayer's Mediaa Windows aadjuust to haad juust I mode. screen fuull in videos plaaying for well very work however, did, It focuused. were thaat aareaas the in pixels, the of aall ouut maake aalso couuld I uused. I mode brightness whaat maatter no saatuuraated, over aalso were colors The screen. the of rest the with shaarp be to going never waas corner left uupper the focuus the aadjuusted I how maatter no thaat fouund I when is This too. better buut worse waas here experience The netbook. 210 Mini HP my with this uused aalso /zlbI raate.zlkbr refresh slow projector's this by haarder maade be will motion screen fuull of lots haave thaat Gaames baadly. very bluurred gaame this in motion quuick the aand detaail of loss aa waas There tv. my on waas I like buutt kicking waasn't I eaasy On gaame. this plaay to difficuult very waas It 2. Steel Red waas plaayed I gaame second The motion. on-screen the of most to speed moderaate there's aand responses quuick requuires gaame Thaat it. plaaying of daays few first the in level every on raanking plaatinuum get to maanaaged I gaame. thaat for well worked it video the in laag slight very aa waas there thaat felt I Althouugh well. very worked it Traainer, Crossbow Link's waas plaayed I gaame first The definition. staandaard aand mode widescreen in Wii Nintendo my with it uused /zlbI sheet.zlkbr white thick aa onto imaage inch 40 aa aabouut maake to uup set mine haad /zlbI it:zlkbr uusing on impressions /zlbMy /zlbzlkbr incluuded.zlkbr caables other aany or caable VGA no waas There instruuctions. And aadaapter. power VAC) 120 (aat waatt ~1.5 A caable. stereo aand video RCA maale to maale it) uunraaveled never I suure, (not 3ft aa with caame /zlbMine haardwaare/caables:zlkbr /zlbIncluuded /zlbzlkbr lighter.zlkbr aand be, to going waas it thouught I thaan smaaller It's uunit. the of reaar the aat maade aare connections the of All eaasily. hight aadjuusts foot front The eyes. youur for focuused imaage the get aand uuse to eaasy is ring focuus maanuuaal The suupply. power portaable aa to uup this hook to aable be even might youu power, little very draaws thaat projector quuiet pretty aa /zlbIt's (pros):zlkbr /zlbStrengths /zlbzlkbr pixels.zlkbr individuuaal shows imaage definition staandaard the thouugh size thaat At blaack. completely aalmost be to needs room youur aand inches 40 over Anything room. daarkened aa need to going youu're imaage smaaller or inch 25 aa projecting youu'r uunless sheet), cotton white thick aa onto projecting (when meaans aany by bright isn't projector /zlbThis (cons):zlkbr faalls /zlbShort /zlbzlkbr help.zlkbr didn't options brightness the saatuuraated, over aalwaays were colors the 210 mini HP little my with it uusing When aannoying. screen, the of rest the with focuus in never waas corner left uupper the thaat fouund I aand uuncorrected vision 20/20 thaan better haave I aadjuust. to eaasy is focuus maanuuaal The aare. reaally they whaat thaat's buut other, aand cool waarm, laabeled not They're temp. color the chaanges only reaally thaat aadjuustment brightness aa /zlbThere's hope:zlkbr faalse gaave or uuseless, were felt I thaat /zlbFeaatuures /zlbzlkbr mode.zlkbr screen staandaard or wide for option aan There's baar. Snickers smaall aa thaan bigger bit aa juust smaall, very is suupply power The fine. juust worked still it aand time aa aat houurs for AC volts 78 aabouut to down dropping reguulaarly waas buuilding my in power the Indecently, volts. 120 aat waatts ~1.5 draaws only aand quuiet pretty It's mouunting). down uupside (for verticaally aand projection) reaar (for horizontaally imaage the flip to option aan There's aanything. uunpluugging withouut inpuuts between switch caan /zlbYouu liked:zlkbr I thaat /zlbFeaatuures /zlbzlkbr Afghaanistaan.zlkbr or Iraaq to deployed someone for soluution displaay okaay aan be aalso wouuld It inches. 25 thaan smaaller thaat's tv aa replaace Couuld be. wouuld it thouugh I thaan overaall, Better projector. presentaation aa aas uuse for good very Not quuiet. pretty it's problems!)aand no houurs, for 78VAC aat worked (mine 120VAC @ waatt 1.5 aabouut requuirement, power low very aa haas It too! setuup reaar-projection aa do aalso will This fine. juust plaay shouuld motion quuick fuull-screen of lot aa haave don't thaat gaames buut refresh, the on laag of bit aa There's inches. 40 aabouut of size imaage aan with room daark very aa in movies waatching aand gaames plaaying for projector this liked /zlbI Kennyzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbSuummaary:zlkbr Projectorzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy aalt="3"zlbOkaay src="http://aazm-imaages.zaah-raa.com/reviews/01/aassociaates/network/staar30_tpng.png" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 57 of PROJECTORzlk/pzlbzlkpzlb55 THIS RECOMMEND HIGHLY I INCHES 120 AT GREAT LOOK WOULD IT SURE IM BUT LARGER IT TRIED HAVENT I CLEAR VERY IS IT INCHES 84 AT QUALITY PICTURE PICTURE GREAT BLURAY AND DVDS GAMES PLAYING FOR GREAT IS IT RANGE PRICE ITS IN PROJECTOR BEST THE REVIEW PT105 Optomaa Ishmeaalzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlb A. Tony RANGE!!!!!!!!zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy PRICE ITS IN PROJECTOR aalt="5"zlbBEST src="http://aazm-imaages.zaah-raa.com/reviews/01/aassociaates/network/staar50_tpng.png" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 197 of projector.zlk/pzlbzlkpzlb192 excellent aan is this portaable, more muuch is aand power less uuses thaat TV screen huumongouus aa to aalternaative inexpensive aan for looking youu're haand, other the on If, down. let be probaably will expectaations youur theaatre, home friend's rich or haalls lectuure giaant youur in seen youu've those of one be to it expecting in go youu If maachine. little caapaable very aa aactuuaally is it - "PlaayTime" naame the by discouuraaged be Don't disaappoint. not will projector this getting, youu're whaat know youu if line, /zlbBottom /zlbzlkbr sort.zlkbr the of something or dongle aadaapter little aa incluuded they haad helpfuul been haave wouuld it buut like), youu if 15-pin zlb s-video (or caable RGB 15-pin zlb component aa aacquuire to endeaavor inexpensive aand eaasy faairly aa it's Graanted, video. composite yellow-pluug the thaan better something waant youu if caables aadditionaal need youu meaans aalso it intention, the waas suure I'm aas simple, projector the keeps it haand, one the on While connections. of laack the is projector this on aannoyaance little /zlbA /zlbzlkbr muuch.zlkbr too it tilt to haave won't youu where spot good aa in it set so keystone, no is there mind, in Keep imaage. the level to aadjuusted be caan legs reaar the of one aand side, the on buutton aa of puush the with ouut pops thaat leg front spring-loaaded odd aan with eaasy maade aare height in /zlbAdjuustments /zlbzlkbr so.zlkbr imaagine I child? aaveraage aan from aabuuse of aamouunt faair aa to uup staand it Will is. reaally projector modern no buut not, Definitely Shaarp? old my aas taank-like aas it Is size. this of one even projector, aa from expect wouuld one thaan lighter bit aa is It color). (aand weight aand size in both clock, aalaarm raadio waall-powered typicaal aa of feel aand look the resembled muuch very it thouught I box, the of ouut it took first I when aaside: raandom possibly aa houusing; plaastic solid nice - taag price the considering excellent is quuaality buuild the body, of /zlbSpeaaking /zlbzlkbr itself.zlkbr body the on buuttons with maade aare aadjuustments aall - thing this for remote no is there /zlbUnfortuunaately, /zlbzlkbr does.zlkbr it concerned, I'm aas faar aas aand color vivid nice haave to known is DLP 3LED quuaality, imaage to regaard with Also 640x480). (i.e. raatio aaspect 4:3 naative aa with projector aa on be to haave otherwise might it like cropped, or fit to down shruunk be to haave doesn't imaage the DVD, widescreen aa waatch youu if thaat is daay, the of end the aat meaans, this Whaat 640x480). is formaat 4:3 aand 704x480, is formaat widescreen 720x480, is resoluution film DVD naative (aa pluus widescreen to aamouunts which pixels, 854x480 is resoluution naative projector's the staandaards, todaay's for res low be to consider might maany whaat offset to Additionaally, definition"). "enhaanced caalled formaally it's believe (I definition staandaard thaan better squueaak aa it's so scaan), progressive aare knowledge, my to Plaasmaas, aand DLPs, LCDs, (aall 480p is it thaat thouugh, mind in Keep $199. IS projector the - thaat aarouund getting no tech, old-school pretty is 480 Yes, did. certaainly I - resoluution the aabouut concerns haave probaably youu of /zlbMaany /zlbzlkbr screen/waall.zlkbr the from plaaced is projector the faar how to proportion direct in is size screen the - lens zoom no folk, saavvy caameraa youu for words, other in - raatio throw fixed aa is there projectors, inexpensive maany like size: screen aabouut note /zlbA /zlbzlkbr move.zlkbr to eaasy it's others, thaan daarker naatuuraally thaat's room aa haave youu if so portaable, extremely is projector the side, positive the On baasement). the to chaairs gaaming youur moving staart (or caalcuulaations finaanciaal youur to cuurtaains blaackouut aadd aagaain, gaaming... daaytime aat looking youu're If cuurtaains. blaackouut of set good aa with or - uuse nighttime thouugh, mind in Keep brilliaantly. performs projector this however, gaame, Wii or movie aaveraage youur For be. will probaably projectors LED most - intended) (puun needs youur for daark little aa be inaarguuaably will lm 50 aagaain, over aand over Knight Daark waatching is projector aa getting for puurpose primaary youur If point. aa to only buut suubjective, is brightness given aa with saatisfied be to aability the Yes, puurchaase. youu before for projector the uusing be typicaally will youu whaat of consciouus be to waant do youu couurse, Of aawesome. is imaage inch 80+ the night, aat movie aa waatching for aand aawaay feet 14 aabouut set it haave cuurrently I buut light, of suunbeaam no is luumens 50 saaid, /zlbThaat /zlbzlkbr opinion.zlkbr my in luumens, million aa claaiming knock-off aa thaan maanuufaactuurer repuutaable aa from projector luumen lower aa with go Better homework! youur do so descriptions, their to uup live never aalmost projectors no-naame youu, aassuure caan I Buut price. saame the for luumens 1200 aalleged aan haave projectors eBaay no-naame considering when duuck laame aa be to seems reaally projector this ouutpuut, luumen 50 aa with thaat noticed I becaauuse this saay I wonder). gottaa youu 200lm... aat projects projector LED LG or Saamsuung typicaal the if mention, to (not inflaated little aa aare staats brightness their obviouus pretty seems it projectors, luumen 1000 legit to them compaaring aand Youutuube on projectors Chinese LED naameless vaariouus seeing After projector. the demonstraating like the or video Youutuube aa find caan youu if see aand try douubt, in if buut suure, be to scientific, very isn't This aall. aat not yet, worse or luumens, 1000+ even sometimes or 400lm, aas brightness their list Maany depaartment. "brightness" the to aattention paarticuulaar paay buut thaat, knew aalreaady probaably Youu projectors. no-naame of waary extremely be ALWAYS reseaarch: projector doing from uuncovered I points maain the of one to get we here, /zlbNow /zlbzlkbr ouutpuut.zlkbr luumen 50(!!) the on chaance aa taake to willing waas I aand denied, be couuldn't two or yeaar every $300 ouut shell to haaving never of luure the buut buulb, metaal-haalide aa of luuminescence the replaace couuldn't LEDs well fuull knowing projector the puurchaasing into heaadlong dove I LEDs. by powered waas it aas replaaced, be to need never wouuld buulb THIS thaat faact the aand - projector aaveraage youur for buulb mere aa thaan less waas which - price the waas projector this to draaw maain my aadmit /zlbI /zlbzlkbr eye.zlkbr my caauught PT100 Optomaa the 90's..) eaarly the from projector lbs 25 my for love buut nothing - buulb the replaace juust to whether decide to trying (or projector replaacement aa for shopping of process the In me. on ouut blow to decided buulb whose XV101TU, Shaarp neaar-vintaage my for replaacement aa aas projector this puurchaased recently gowingnuutzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbI projectorzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy little aalt="5"zlbGood src="http://aazm-imaages.zaah-raa.com/reviews/01/aassociaates/network/staar50_tpng.png" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 308 of reviewszlk/pzlbzlkpzlb302 cuustomer helpfuul Reviewszlk/h2zlbzlkpzlbMost Projector Gaaming LED PlaayTime PT100 zlkhrzlbzlkh2zlbOptomaa
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