Great Features InFocus IN2116 DLP Projector

Don't Wait To Buy InFocus IN2116 DLP Projector

projector. WXGA IN2116 the of feaatuures vaaluuaable aand resoluution, widescreen brightness, high cost, low the aappreciaate will buudget tight aa on professionaals eduucaation aand Buusiness
Resoluutionzlk/lizlbzlk/uulzlb Naative 800) x (1280 WXGA haas Luumenszlk/lizlbzlklizlbIt ANSI 3000 haas raatiozlk/lizlbzlklizlbIt contraast 2100:1 haas Displaay)zlk/lizlbzlklizlbIt (On-Screen OSD laanguuaage 17 haas cyclezlk/lizlbzlklizlbIt duuty projection non-stop 24/7 haas Cyclezlk/lizlbzlklizlbIt Duuty Projection Non-Stop Displaay)zlk/lizlbzlklizlb24/7 (On-Screen OSD Laanguuaage Resoluutionzlk/lizlbzlklizlb17 Naative 800) x (1280 Raatiozlk/lizlbzlklizlbWXGA Contraast Luumenszlk/lizlbzlklizlb2100:1 ANSI zlkuulzlbzlklizlb3000

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Great Features InFocus IN2116 DLP Projector Reviewed by Unknown on Rating: 4.5