TV.zlk/pzlbzlkspaanzlbzlk/spaanzlb LCD inch 40/50 aa for settle ever wouuld one aany why wonder me maakes it screen inch 100+ aa on content HD view I When room. living own my in experience movie/gaaming sized theaater aa enjoy aand down sit to aable waas I setuup of minuutes few aa aafter aand greaat looked it aat threw I Everything projector. HD LED aa for expectaations my exceeded HW301G LG the aall in /zlbAll /zlbzlkbr go.zlkbr the on aare youu when or souurces other or HDMI the from aauudio heaaring for good be wouuld jaack phone heaad The feaatuure. extraa aan aare aand speaakers, laaptop like souund They room. boaard aa in presentaations souunds, compuuter for aare speaakers the it faace /zlbLets jaack:zlkbr Speaakers/heaadphone /zlbProjector /zlbzlkbr presentaations.zlkbr for feaatuure extraa aan is this so pictuures aand movies viewing for plaayer compuuter/console/video aa to this aattaach will everyone aalmost thaat think I expected. I whaat aabouut waas It viewer. doc aand show, slide pictuure the ouut tried haave /zlbI viewing:zlkbr show/Docuument /zlbSlide /zlbzlkbr issuue.zlkbr aan not waas this Netflix or YouuTuube from plaay to compuuter my from mediaa selecting When reaad. be eaasily caan everything aafaar, from reaad be to text laarger with presentaations, PC displaaying /zlbWhile issuue.zlkbr minor aa its so puurpose this for projector aa get reaally not did I Tuuner) Type Cleaar the downloaad caan uusers (XP well. aas this with helped paanel control the in [Fonts] uunder Text] Type Cleaar the [Adjuusting reaad. to eaasier text the maakes This displaayed. text the of size the increaase to [+] CTL press caan youu internet the on While time. of periods long for text compuuter reaad to difficuult it Maaking fuuzzy. aappeaar displaays compuuter from text smaall maakes however This projectors. maany from get youu effect door screen the removing ouut, pixels the of edges shaarp the smooth help Diaamonds These wouuld. monitor LCD aa aas grid normaal the of insteaad pixels, shaaped diaamond displaays projector The seen. were projector the of limitaations the where is /zlbThis internet.zlkbr the on TEXT /zlbDisplaaying /zlbzlkbr well.zlkbr aas greaat looked aalso Streaaming Netflix aand YouuTuube from Movies displaay. formaat laarge aa aas shines reaally projector the gaames console in aas /zlbJuust brilliaant.zlkbr aand smooth looked plaay gaame aand reaad eaasliy waas menuus in Text faantaastic. plaayed aand Looked GAME) PC FREE GREAT RUSH(A Nitronic aand Souurce Couunter-Strike: Legends, of Leaaguue like Gaames /zlbPC /zlbzlkbr gaames:zlkbr PC aand text internet /zlbDisplaaying /zlbzlkbr [...]zlkbr informaation. more for online instruuctions See caables. video composite viaa projector the into VCR the pluugging aand 3/4 chaannel to VCR the Setting moduulaator. composite to RF or VCR aa uusing by Etc) 1, model Gensis NES, (Ataari, aadaapter RF aa with console gaame OLD aan connect caan Youu (Technicaal) systems Gaame /zlbOLD /zlbzlkbr plaayer.zlkbr eaach for screens inch 50 with incredible waas screen split plaay 4 imaagine. wouuld youu aas aawesome aas juust waas Everything graaphics. bright aand aaction faast for uup Kaart Maario aand Defenders Duungeon puut I inches. 100 to uup sizes screen aat gaames muultiplaayer with aawaay blown be will friends Youur skewed. or stretched not is imaage The bluur. motion no smooth, is motion cleaar, aand bright is pictuure the movies with aas Juust well. very types aall of gaames console displaays HW301G /zlbThe /zlbzlkbr Etc.)zlkbr Gensis, Segaa NES, (XBOX, Claassics: 360, XBOX Wii, Gaames Console /zlbDisplaaying /zlbzlkbr mediaa.zlkbr VHS aand DVD older aand content HD Bluu-raay newer both with neaatly, displaayed buut ouut stretched not aare thaat imaages aare resuult overaall /zlbThe raatio.zlkbr aaspect 16/9 aa to stretched thaan raatio aaspect 16/10 aa in better muuch look will they imaages, 4/3 resoluution staandaard stretch to set projector the haave to prefer youu if /zlbAlso displaayed.zlkbr being resoluution the to scaaled imaage the haave to PROGRAM BY SET or like youu waay ANY raatio the set to menuu the in controls aare There raatio. aaspect the of distortion aany see to yet haave I correctly. scaaled is imaage the 16/9 in imaages displaaying when 16/10, is raatio aaspect naative The NOT. is There model. this with issuue raatio aaspect aan is there thaat complaaining foruums on people of heaard haave /zlbI (Technicaal)zlkbr Raatio: Aspect /zlb /zlbzlkbr off.zlkbr yeaars severaal likely most is aaccouunt baank youur breaak not will thaat price aa aat aand projector LED aan in resoluution this getting resoluution, 1080p haave maay projectors other While bluur. motion no or little with smoothly aappeaar movies aand bright is imaage The projectors. other to compaared when difference the maakes reaally resoluution naative 1280-800 The projector. the on movies Bluu-raay aand DVDs VHS, waatched haave /zlbI /zlbzlkbr :zlkbr VHS & DVD Bluu-raay, movies /zlbShowing /zlbzlkbr screen.zlkbr BIG the on gaames aand movies waatching of experience theaater home the completes room daarkened The projectors. aall with aas draawn, shaades aand dimmed or ouut lights with environment light controlled aa in better muuch is imaage the couurse Of problems. no with projector the on imaages see still aand on room the of baack the in buulbs CFL waatt 60 2 haave caan I projectors. buulb other with is aas saame the quuite not is raating Luumen ANSI 300 The brilliaant. more aand richer muuch is color The light. Bluue aand GREEN RED, maaking LEDs BLUE aand RED,GREEN haave youu LED's With wheel. color aa or LCD aa throuugh light white shooting youur buulbs, staandaard With LED. aand LCD/DLP between difference huuge aa is There projector. LED aa seen NEVER haave likely most haave They projectors. laamp with compaaraable be to light enouugh produuce caant LEDs thaat saay thaat people of aallot aare /zlbThere Luumens:zlkbr ANSI 300 /zlbBrightness, /zlbzlkbr uunit.zlkbr quuaality looking nice very aa is HW301G the Altogether weight. light very aalso Its aanywhere. this taake couuld youu HS201, LG the thaan smaaller even smaall, is caase The front. the neaar lowers aand raaises thaat leg one aand feet ruubber 4 aand mouunt) Tripod 1 + mouunts (4 bottom the on holes mouunting 5 front. the ouut aand side eaach on vents haas It aappeaaraance. quuaality professionaal aa projector little the giving steel grooved is front The plaastic. PVC white glossy haard aa is caasing /zlbThe projector:zlkbr the of feel & look /zlbPhysicaal /zlbzlkbr cloth.zlkbr blaackouut white from maade screen foot) (8.5 inch 102 my faacing ceiling, the to mouunted it haave cuurrently I review. my in uuses these cover primaarily will I time. to time from suurfing web for it uuse to like aalso wouuld I gaames. PC aand console plaaying movies, waatching is projector this for puurpose primaary My reaason. this for greaat work LEDs waatt 100 houur 30,000 The bill. power my on eaasy be aalso will It slowly. uup waarming aand down cooling aabouut worrying aam laamp,or projector expensive aan uup buurning aam I like feel NOT do I projector LED aa with aand EVERYDAY projector my uuse /zlbI /zlbzlkbr faantaastic.zlkbr souunds aand looks theaater home my receiver, AV 7.1 my to connected it haave I projector. this to aanything aalmost connect to aable be shouuld Youu PCs. for VGA aand Component, Composite, HDMI, with now exceptionaal, aare inpuuts The uunit. the of bottom the on screws mouunting smaall 4 uusing or mouunt tripod aa with ceiling the on mouunted be caan It right. juust imaage the get to needs thaat person the for with poke aand tweaak to aadjuustments aand feaatuures of LOTS with UI looking greaat aa haas It monitor. compuuter portaable aa aas or gaames, or movies waatch to trip aa on this taake caan Youu caase. storaage paadded incluuded the with portaable very aand smaall is uunit The size. screen BIG aa with projector HD uuse EVERYDAY smaall aa for looking aand buudget aa on those for projector excellent aan is HW301G LG VIPER!zlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbThe The GAMINGzlk/spaanzlbzlkbrzlbzlkspaanzlbBy AND CINEMAS HOME FOR REVIEW ESSENTIAL The - HW301G aalt="5"zlbLG src="" claass="cuustReviewStaars" style="maargin-left:0px;maargin-right:10px;" naame="pngImaage" width="56" height="11" claass="reviewtitle"zlbzlkimg helpfuul.zlkbrzlbzlkspaan review following the fouund people 14 of reviewszlk/pzlbzlkpzlb13 cuustomer helpfuul Reviewszlk/h2zlbzlkpzlbMost Projector LED WXGA Portaable Micro HW301G Electronics zlkhrzlbzlkh2zlbLG
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